pcos awareness - 6 things thankfull pcos
PCOS Awareness

6 Things PCOS has made me Thankful for

Living with PCOS can be tough. There are a lot of challenges that we need to overcome. But, in a funny kind of way, I wouldn’t be who I am without PCOS. It has taught me so much and I have learned so much as a result of having PCOS. So, here are 6 things that PCOS has made me thankful for.

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diet tips - should you include soy
Diet Tips

Should You Include Soy in your PCOS Diet?

Soy and soy products are particularly controversial in the nutrition world, with some people claiming their health benefits and others suggesting that it should be avoided. But how does soy impact on your PCOS? I’ve done the research and this is what I’ve found…

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pcos symptoms - prediabetes diabetes and insulin resistance
PCOS Symptoms

Prediabetes, Diabetes and Insulin Resistance in PCOS

We know that many women with PCOS have insulin resistance which can develop into diabetes. But we may have also heard our doctors talk about pre diabetes. What is the difference between all of these, and more importantly, how can we avoid getting diabetes all together?

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pcos awareness - 10 things a woan with pcos would
PCOS Awareness

10 Things a Woman with PCOS would like You to Know

Many women with PCOS often feel misunderstood. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about PCOS. So, I asked my PCOS Diet Support Facebook group what they wanted people to know about PCOS. Here are the 10 things that women with PCOS want you to know…

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recipes - one pan salmon

PCOS Friendly One Pan Salmon

Salmon is a really healthy PCOS friendly fish. It is rich in Omega 3 which has been shown to lower testosterone levels in women with PCOS, as well as improve inflammation (something we are prone to). This is a super easy and delicious one pan salmon recipe (even the kids love it!)

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diet tips - 4 ways to lower lutenizing hormone naturally
Diet Tips

4 Ways to Lower Luteinizing Hormone Naturally

Luteinizing hormone is one of the hormones affected by PCOS and it’s important to get it within normal range. High LH levels can cause increased testosterone to be released from our ovaries as well as anovulation. Here are 4 ways to lower LH levels naturally.

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pcos symptoms - 10 ways to improve your pcos symptoms
PCOS Symptoms

10 Ways to Improve Your PCOS Symptoms

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information we have available to us. It’s like wading through a river in flood and we can be swept away with the current. Well, I’ve done been through the river and come out on the other side. Here are 10 things you can do to improve your PCOS.

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exercise - 3 ways to get motivated

3 Ways to Get Motivated to Workout with PCOS

Sometimes you just don’t feel like it but you know that you really should. And sometimes the knowing that you should is enough… But often it isn’t. We need to find other ways to stay motivated in all areas of PCOS, including in the way that you exercise. Here are 3 ways to stay motivated.

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pcos symptoms - pcos and inflammation
PCOS Symptoms

PCOS and Inflammation

Women with PCOS are prone to chronic inflammation as part and parcel of PCOS. It’s important to manage that inflammation. Not only can inflammation result in pain and discomfort, it can also make insulin resistance worse. Here are some ways that you can deal with inflammation.

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recipes - pcos friendly chocolate chip banana bread

PCOS Friendly Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

I am always on the look-out for delicious and healthy PCOS friendly food that can be enjoyed by my whole family. This chocolate banana bread fits the bill perfectly. It is so easy to whip up and the kids can’t wait for it to cool down before they tuck in. Give it a try!

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what i ate wednesday - 1
What I Ate Wednesday

What I Ate Wednesday For PCOS #1

Sometimes it’s easy to get stuck in a rut with food. We tend to eat the same things day in and day out. I lilke to check out other sites, looking at what other people are eating for a bit of inspiration. So, to inspire you, here is my own “What I ate Wednesday”…

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exercise - hitt for pcos

Why HIIT is great for PCOS

I must confess… I’m not a huge fan of the gym (or even exercise for that matter). And I don’t always have a lot of time on my hands. So, when I workout, I want to know that I am getting the biggest bang for my buck. Erika Volk, The PCOS Personal trainer, shares her best PCOS workout.

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