5 Ways to make the PCOS lifestyle work for you

As you may know, I am a firm believer in using food to manage my PCOS. Following a PCOS Diet has become a part of my lifestyle and something I really enjoy.

But, I know that it can be really hard, especially when you’re just starting to make some of these changes. So, here are 5 ways to make the PCOS diet work for you.

The Slow Cooker is your Friend

5 ways to make the pcos diet work for you slow cookerI understand that life is busy and sometimes you just don’t have the time to spend hours in the kitchen, especially after a busy day at work. Buying good quality meat can also get expensive.

This is where the slow cooker comes in. With it, you can have delicious and super nutritious food waiting for you as soon as you walk through your front door. The slow cooking process also means that you can buy some of the cheaper, tougher meats and they’ll be brilliant once cooked for a couple of hours.

Slow cooker meals are great for your time and your purse.


Eating at Restaurants

This is something that I am often asked. What on earth can you eat when you are out and about?

Well, let’s be honest. Nobody is going to stick to a PCOS diet it means giving up some of your social life. So, you can definitely make this work when you are out at restaurants.

I tend to avoid pizzerias and Italian restaurants. Pizza and pasta is just going to shoot your insulin through the roof. But, at most other restaurants, I can generally find something PCOS friendly. Something like fish or steak with a serving of vegetables or salad is perfect.

Let’s talk Leftovers

5 ways to make the pcos diet work for you roast chickenHere’s the thing. It becomes hard to stick with something if it becomes all-consuming. We get tired of putting in 100% all of the time. So, we need to find ways to strategically give ourselves a break.

One of the ways that you can do that is to intentionally cook extra food, with the plan to use the leftovers for another meal. This saves you time in the kitchen (and money if you buy the food in bulk).

There are a couple of different ways to do this. For example, last night I made beef casserole in the slow cooker. There is plenty left for today’s lunch (just what I need in cold rainy England today).

But, tonight, I’m making a roast chicken. That will serve a couple of meals. Tonight’s supper. Tomorrow’s lunch – chicken soup. And I’ll also make bone broth for another soup. There are at least 3 meals in that one roast chicken.

Be Prepared

I always find that things fall apart for me when I don’t have a plan or am not prepared for my day. When I have no lunch when I’m out and about. Or, when I get super hungry and don’t have snacks with me. That’s when I’m more likely to turn to junk food.

So, when I’m packing snacks for my kids, I always make sure that I pack something for me too. PCOS friendly muffins, nuts, fruit and almond butter are all good snack ideas for when you’re out and about.

Find Alternatives

Beat-the-bloat-with-PCOS-spearmint-teaWith two young kids, my hubby and I don’t get to go to fancy restaurants (or any restaurant for that matter) very often. But, we do go to coffee shops, a lot. I used to always have a tall, milky latte.

Now, I’ll have a cup of peppermint tea. Tim still gets his coffee and we still get to go out. Do I still have coffee? You bet I do. I either make it myself with coconut milk at home, or I have a little flask that I can take out with me.

But, I have a plan to avoid the things that I shouldn’t be having.

And you know what? I don’t even miss it or crave it anymore.

Looking after my PCOS is far more important than a cup of coffee, a pizza, a bar of chocolate.

Take it one step and one bite at a time and I wish you the most amazing 2016!

If you have any thoughts on how to make the transition to a PCOS diet a little easier, leave me a comment below!

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Tarryn Poulton

Tarryn Poulton

Tarryn Poulton is a PN1 Certified Nutrition Coach and PCOS expert who has been a leader in the online PCOS space for over 8 years. Tarryn has the support of leading clinicians from around the world who support her scientific approach to understanding and talking about PCOS this includes all medical journals and ongoing research. You can read more about Tarryn and the team here.

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