PCOS Management: What is YOUR next step?

I recently did a survey asking women what is stopping them from taking the next step in managing their PCOS. The responses we had were eye opening and I wanted to share them with you and make some suggestions as to how we can each take the next step in managing our PCOS.

The Survey

The survey asked women the following question:

What is stopping you from taking the next step in managing your PCOS?

Check All That Apply:

  • Finances
  • Not sure what the next step is
  • I just don’t have the motivation
  • I’m really motivated but feel that I don’t have the emotional support to stick it through
  • I feel like I’ve exhausted all options, both natural and medical, and feel like PCOS has me beat
  • Nothing. I’m on track and taking PCOS head on

And here are the results, from 114 women who responded:
Survey Results - PCOS Management Next Steps

Only 13% of the women who responded feel that they are able to manage their PCOS. I would love to see that number grow! Also, a huge majority of us are not sure what the next step actually is.  I’d really like to focus on looking at what the next step is so that we can each take that step to managing our PCOS.

Starting blocks

Whether you have been recently diagnosed or have known about your PCOS for years, I think it’s important to know what your starting point is. So, I would recommend a doctor check up (unless you have been seen fairly recently). Things to have checked include:

  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • Thyroid function
  • Blood sugars (if you are concerned about Diabetes and insulin resistance)

This should give you a rough idea of where you stand. You could also ask for checks of Androgens, SHBG, LH and FSH. These may not be particularly useful if you have PCOS as your levels are likely to be off kilter anyway as a result of your PCOS.

If you are trying to conceive or have any other health concerns then you may want further investigations but you can discuss this with your doctor if necessary.

Once you know where you stand medically, you can look at getting your diet and exercise on track.

Your PCOS Diet

You know by now that I am a firm believer in the importance of diet in managing your PCOS, and thankfully my beliefs are not unfounded. Research has shown that diet and lifestyle changes are more effective than medications in managing PCOS.

So, if you need some help with diet changes, here is are some previous articles I have written on what a PCOS diet should look like:

The Best PCOS Diet

Is your PCOS Diet Dairy Free? It should be!

PCOS Diet Vs. Normal Diet

Getting Started on your PCOS Diet Plan

The main points are:

  • Cut out dairy
  • Go gluten free
  • Manage your carb intake and make sure you have low GI carbs
  • Make sure you have some protein with every meal or snack
  • No processed or refined foods


I’m not going to rehash my previous articles on exercise (you can find them here) but research has shown that exercise helps to manage PCOS. So, at this point, I don’t care what you do or how you do it, just get moving! Make a decision today to get fit and do what you need to do to make it happen!


Supplements are also an integral aspect of managing your PCOS. Here is a brief overview of what supplements I take and why they are important:

  • Inositol and folic acid: 4g Inositol and 400mcg Folic acid daily (Find out more here)
  • Vitamin D: 1000 IU (According to Vitamin D Council) (Check it out here)
  • Omega 3: 180mg EPA and 120mg DHA (Here is more info)

How long will it take?

PCOS Management Next StepIt will take a while to see the effects of all of these things combined. Some women report weight loss, increased energy and more stable mood within a week or two of making the diet changes and taking the supplements. It can take much longer, however to see improvements in all of your symptoms. One of the symptoms that takes the longest to deal with is hirsutism (it can take from 6 months to 1 year to see an improvement).
So, if you don’t see instant results, be patient and stick to your exercise, diet and supplement regime. Your body will thank you!

I’ve done all of that… What’s next?

If you have done all of the above and are still not seeing any results or are still struggling with your PCOS, I’d say it’s time for another visit to the doctor or reproductive endocrinologist. There may be something underlying that you’re not aware of that is causing your symptoms (thyroid problems / something with the pituitary gland).

Alternatively, you could look into acupuncture as it has been shown to be helpful in managing PCOS ( you can read more about that here and here).

PCOS can be an extremely frustrating and lonely condition and there are no easy answers. But, there are things that you can do to get your PCOS under control. I’d love to hear from you. What is YOUR next step to managing your PCOS? Leave me a comment below!

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Tarryn Poulton

Tarryn Poulton

Tarryn Poulton is a PN1 Certified Nutrition Coach and PCOS expert who has been a leader in the online PCOS space for over 8 years. Tarryn has the support of leading clinicians from around the world who support her scientific approach to understanding and talking about PCOS this includes all medical journals and ongoing research. You can read more about Tarryn and the team here.

46 Responses

46 Responses

  1. I love your program. As a patient with Hashimoto’s as well as PCOS I’ve had to take the diet guidelines one step further and cut out nightshades and grains though so there are some days where I just get so frustrated with the limitations. I was also recently diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder with depression that made this winter very difficult and I ended up gaining back 15 pounds that I had worked really hard to lose. I was also diagnosed with severe tendonitis in my shoulder today. The frustration is incredibly high and I can’t help wallowing in self pity. While I try to stick to the diet limitations I end up going back to the carbs I shouldn’t be having. In my head I know it’s a bad idea but I can’t stop. Motivation is such a huge issue right now.

  2. Hi Tarryn,
    Thanks for all awesome info.
    I’m so frustrated because I just cannot always stick to the tips you gave us. I always crave for dessert like cookies and cakes. I don’t know how to get ride of them. I feel so disgusted to myself each time I have junk food. I want to lose weight so badly!!! The most frustrating thing for me is that I find that it is so difficult to lose weight since I have PCOS. What can I do ? Need your help so badly.


    1. Have you tried gymnema? I recently got diagnosed with PCOS and had really intense sugar cravings and was hungry all the time. I think the gymnema has helped reduce the sugar cravings and maybe even the constant hunger.

  3. Hi,
    Like some of the others who have commented here, it has been suggested that PCOS could be the cause of my infertility and other problems. We have managed to conceive twice (currently pregnant with number 2) with the help of Clomiphene and I feel incredibly blessed by that. For a long time I thought for sure I would never be able to get pregnant.

    My question is this – being pregnant, are there things I should be doing now to help manage PCOS? Before we conceived this one, I was trying (somewhat half-heartedly) to avoid sugar, dairy, and gluten. I still try to eat healthy foods, but don’t always avoid dairy, gluten, or processed foods. Does it matter right now, or is this something I should focus more on after the baby is born?


  4. Thank you for all of the amazing info!! This site is such a blessing to so many!
    I have had infertility issues and currently have been trying to conceive for 11 months. I have many of the symptoms of PCOS including acne, weight around my belly that will not budge, etc. However, I do have a period. Mine seems to be all over the place but I don’t skip months. In fact, sometimes I’ll have two in a month. This seems to be inconsistent with PCOS. Am I wrong?
    I had a lot of blood work done a few months ago and the dr. said my hormones were normal and my glucose test came back normal. However, I have had 2 doctors tell me my acne comes from the way my body is processing sugars. I have also had more than 1 doctor tell me that I have more cysts than normal on my ovaries. Anyway, I’m feeling confused. It seems that PCOS fits but I haven’t been officially diagnosed. I went to the health food store and the specialist there suggested I take Vitex and Evening Primrose Oil. I’m on day two of those and am not feeling well. My head is aching and I’m extremely tired.
    I have been taking fish oil and vitamin D for a month and and have been feeling amazing. I hate feeling the change in how I’m feeling today and am wondering if I should stop taking the Vitex and Evening Primrose Oil.
    Feeling a little lost. Do you have an advice for me?

    1. I wanted to add that the blood work showed I was very low in Vitamin D and B 6 and 12 so I am also taking a B complex along with the 5,000 iu of D.

  5. Hi Tarryn,

    Thank you for your site, it has provided my with hours and hours of reading all blogs and comments, its been so useful, no site compares!

    Having a family was hopeful and I always tried to not think about it, or want it too much as doc said it may be very hard to happen in the future.

    Never used contraception for years, and if it happened, it happened, but nothing did happen.

    I decided to diet, and I did loose lots of weight (about 1.5 stone) by cutting out fat, and crisps, biscuits etc, (but after reading your info, it my diet could have been improved even more, because of diary etc).

    I was so happy and confident, my hair was great, and felt the best I had ever felt, and then out of the blue, I found out I was pregnant! Just happened naturally, with no effort how weird! Pregnancy was great, no problems, hair was good. After, I became anemic, with very low energy levels, which went on for a while before it was picked up. I ate quick fast food, due to being tired and I went back to work when my daughter was 4 months old, so always running around out of energy. Before I knew it, a couple of years have past and I still have post baby belly fat, my hair has been at its worst, extremely thin, and coming out in handfuls. I hate washing my hair, because of the loss.

    I know from experience that I need to make these changes again, but this time I have an aided tool, your website, with lots of information that I did not know previously. How stupid was I? Not to read up on the illness, as its only from recently reading your site, that I knew it was linked to insulin! My aunt died of mis-managing her severe diabetes, so I know how extremely important this is.

    Now geared up with all of this information, I am about to make a start on improving my health. I am currently taking a multi vitamin which I have noted from previous blogs, the important vitamins are very low in dose to what pcos women should take. What would be a great help, would be if you could list all of the supplements you take, and their dose.

    I think this would be really helpful for me to see if I can ensure that I take supplements which are near the right recommended amount for pcos. I also am taking a multivitamin, but as you know the doses are low. Should I still continue to take this along with the inidividual supplements?

    Thank you so much for what you are doing, changing womens lives!

    Kind regards


  6. Hi tarryn have a question…have u heard of HERBALIFE for weight loss.ive checked a couple of websites and the meal replacement shakes have really helped women with pcos.what is ur take on it?

    1. HI Makuld,

      From the research I’ve done, Herbalife does seem to result in weight loss but you tend to put it back on when you stop the products. Not sure how sustainable it is.

      Hope that helps,


    2. I tried Herbalife, it’s ingredients are less than healthy. I finally found a nutritional supplement shake called Shakeology that has made a HUGE difference with my PCOS and my weight. It has NOTHING artificial in it and it is certified low glycemic. Also it is full of vitamins and minerals that we with PCOS need. It has omegas and over 30 superfoods from all over. I LOVE it, and it has made the whole process of keeping a healthier diet easier. If you are looking for something like this let me know. 🙂 I love it so much that I signed up as a coach (I was telling everyone about it anyway, lol) I am not out to ‘sell’ anything to anyone that doesn’t want it – just sharing what I love and what has worked wonders for me and several other women I know with PCOS (Cysters) 🙂 IT is not a ‘weight loss shake’, it is a nutritional supplement and a great one (and weight loss is a lovely benefit!)

  7. I am sooo happy I found this site!! I was diagnosed with PCOS a few months ago and wasn’t really taking care of it hoping it would just go away. But now I’m determined to take control of this disease and get moving! Motivation isn’t always that easy, but with prayer, supplication and faith, I believe it will come through for me. I’m really looking foward to this diet support, inspite of finances I can work through it to help ny symptoms and health improve.

  8. I was just diagnosed this week with pcos, I am getting it. Finding things that I can have is challenging for me. I log all of my info into myfitnesspal.com so I can monitor my intake already seeing weight loss. But nevertheless, this is going to be one of the most challenging things I will ever do in my life.
    A question I have is thedoctor told me I can have all meat and fruits and veggies. Stay away from carbs and sugars. I am trying to stay as low as possible on carbs by reducing my daily can intake to no more than 100g. This is a reduction of 120-200g which seemed to plague my normal eating. Is 100g ok? Of course I don’t always have a full 100g but I dont want to go over 100g.

    Hopefully that makes sense.

    1. Hi Kristen,

      I tend to keep my meal plans and carbs to 100g or just over. I think women with PCOS do quite well on that…


      1. I am not new to PCOS, but new to the idea of really treating it. I am on metformin and the BCP, and with metformin I was able to have a bewutiful daughter. However, my weight is not coming off. I am very obese (over 250 pounds). I guess I am reluctant to start this plan at only 1100 calories and 100 g of carbs. I have been told to always eat above my BMR to keep my metabolism from shutting off (my basic metabolic rate is 2000). Also, most sites I checked out recommended around 200-250 g of carbs a day. Is such a dramatic decrease necessary to see results? Are my numbers going to be different because of my size?

        I want to do things right, but I also want to be realistic with my goals. Additionally, I am a vegetarian, so I am on my own in coming up with meals I can eat that satisfy these nutritional demands– low carb and vegetarianism seem to rarely go hand in hand 🙂

        1. Liz,

          I know you wrote this a couple of months ago, but I wanted to weigh in on this one.

          Especially if you’re being active, the calories in these meal plans are not adequate. Let me repeat. NOT ADEQUATE. I don’t know enough about your situation to speak in absolutes, but “most” women should be eating 1500-2000 calories/day, a little more if they are active. Women with PCOS seem to need less.

          Have you been tracking what you eat? What is your current caloric and carb intake, and what is the result of that over a period of a month or so? light gain? slight loss? maintenance?

          You’re at least partly correct in saying that you don’t want to damage your metabolism by undereating. Again, without knowing your specific situation, I would suggest eating more like 1750 calories/day, assuming that this is a decrease from what you have been doing, and limit your carbs to 100/day. I know what other sites say about your carb intake, and if you didn’t have PCOS and were active, I’d say that 200 range is reasonable.

          I know it isn’t fun sounding, but the only way to really deal with this is by being patient with yourself. I’m also struggling with my weight with PCOS (50lb+ gain) and infertility, so I know how hard it can be to accept yourself and your body where you’re at. But right now, try to focus on patiently making consistent gradual changes. If you’re worried about crashing, don’t jump straight to the meal plan. Eat 200 calories less a day and walk a mile a day. (or whatever works for you). Start cutting dairy and gluten out if you haven’t already.

          1000-1200 calories/day is probably ok for women with PCOS who are under 200 and sedentary. (I’m at 175 and active, so I’m eating more like 1500.)

          I hope that you’ve been doing great in the last 2 months! Please update us! Also feel free to message me if you want to talk more or are curious as to how I arrived at these numbers and guidelines.

          (I want to also note that when I speak of increasing your calories from the meal plans, I’m thinking of snacks in between the meals that carry a low GL. I personally use a shake twice a day, three times a day if it’s a gym day.)


    2. I am using myfitnesspal too! We should connect on there! 🙂 Merry_Heppler is my username. You are absolutely right that it is challenging – much better with support! I have lost about 60 and I am still learning and adjusting all the time. So glad to have found this site!

  9. Hello, I have just joined your site/blog.
    After spending the day in the ER yesterday, where a cat scan confirmed my long time concern that I have PCOS (I have had ultrasounds of course, which were not able to detect cysts, and my doctor couldn’t feel them), I decided it’s past time to make some changes in my life.
    I have been walking regularly, 15 or so miles of walking every week, 3-5 miles a day, 3-5 days a week.
    In the last two years I have gained almost 100 lbs, without any dietary change. I have been on 2000mg of Metformin for almost 3 years, and have been taking Phentermine for 3 months with only 6lbs of weight loss.
    The weight gain, the pain, the hirsutism…
    The only diet that helped was Atkins, but it was awful, and after about 5 months I couldn’t do it any more! The blood sugar lows and fatigue were too much.

    I have to say I am so discouraged. I am miserable and depressed, and tired of feeling like my body is not mine!!
    Even though I can’t afford to pay for an account, I am hopeful about what you have to offer here.

  10. This is insane.. Ive been living with PCOS for 5-7 years and a doctor gave me birth control, that was it! nothing said or done just handed me birth control. 7 years later, here I am learning EVERYTHING I should have been doing… I hope my body is okay 🙁


  11. Hi Tarryn,

    even m going through pcos…. could u tell me about cyst which occur on ovaries! if i miss ma periods then does it turns in to cyst?

    i was 16 i diagnosed with pcos n now m 23… but it is getting more worst… i don’t like milk.

    ma Doctor only prescribe BCP for 3 months… then again ma periods get irregular… i have thick hairs on ma chin and hairs on ma jawlines and chicks. now i can see more hairs growing around ma neck,navel,chest and legs, i m tensed that it will also turn hard n thick some day.. one of ma friend told me to drink spearmint tea to get control on hair growth… i started using it 2 days back. 🙁 could u plz help me out?

    1. Hi Priya,

      The increased hair growth is one of the most difficult things to deal with in terms of PCOS.

      Spearmint tea, Omega 3 and Inositol and Folic acid will definitely help with hair growth. Also make sure you are following a good PCOS diet.

      It will take about 6 – 12 months to see an improvement.

      Hang in there!


  12. Hi Tarryn,

    I am little confused with all the supplements and their dosage. From what I have understood, I plan to start having the following every day:
    1. 4g Inositol(2g in the morning and 2g in the evening) and 4 mcg Folic Acid

    2. Omega 3 fish oil- the one I have has 1,050 mg of omega-3 per serving.

    3. Pill containing Vitamin D3-1000 IU Calcium-600 mg Magnesium-400 mg

    4. Spearmint tea- 2 cups a day

    My question to you is that is it advisable to add a multivitamin on top of all this like centrum prenatal? Or will too many supplements wreak havoc inside my body?
    Thanks in advance and congratulations on your pregnancy!

    1. Hi Nam,

      Generally your body will get rid of any excess vitamins it doesn’t need. You can take a prenatal supplement – Just check the Folic acid content as you may want to drop the extra Folic acid you take with Inositol.

      Also, Folic acid should be 400 mcg.

      Hope that helps,


      1. Is folic acid and methylfolate the same? I have been taking 400mcg methylfolate with my 4g of inositol because the guy at the nutrition store said methylfolate is better. Can you help?

  13. Hi there,

    I’m a 23 year old and have had irregular periods since I was 13. I was put on hormonal pills when I was 17. This went on and off for a while, until I switched doctors for the third time and I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 20. I continued with the hormone pills for three months a year until a week ago when my doctor suggested I get started with Inositol and a combination of vitamins and iron.

    I get my thyroid levels tested every 6 months, it has been normal each time. I had weight issues until I was diagnosed with PCOS, after which I started to watch what I was eating and cut down on dairy and fat as much as possible (I drink about four cups of milk per week and cannot resist the temptation of ice cream!).

    Luckily, I don’t have acne (My skin is the opposite, very dry as I have a mild form of atopic dermatitis), I’m generally happy, haven’t had issues with mood swings. I do have breathing trouble at nights once in a while, but I’m not sure if that’s connected to PCOS.

    I chanced upon your blog when I was looking for information on Inositol and I’m so glad I did! It’s really great to see so much support available for something that very few talk about openly.

    Just felt like sharing my story. Thank you for what you do 🙂

    1. Hi Lite,

      Thanks so much for sharing your story! Sounds like you’re doing well! Sleep apnea is related to PCOS so that may be why you struggle with breathing at night.

      Keep well,


  14. Hi Tarryn

    I am finding your blog so, so helpful for keeping my spirits up and my diet PCOS-friendly! I was wondering a few things:

    How do you get your protein usually? kidney beans and eggs are all I’m getting protein from (I’m vegetarian)
    Is tofu OK?
    How about soya milk?
    Is it ok to ‘slip up’ every now and then, e.g. eat a tiny bit of cheese or chocolate?

    Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi Hayley,

      I’ve actually reintroduced meat into my diet as I was worried about the number of carbs I was having and how this was impacting on my insulin and testosterone levels.

      In terms of good plant based proteins, I would recommend increasing your variety of proteins to include nuts, beans, legumes, quinoa, seeds etc. Also. I don’t recommend soy or soy based products as some research has shown that it delays ovulation.

      A little slip up every now and then is not ideal but if you only have a small amount, then I’m sure it is okay…

      Keep well,


    2. Hi Hayley,

      Just came across your comment and wanted to share.
      I’m vegan and i’m managing PCOS-friendly diet easily. I eat a lot of beans, chickpeas, seeds and nuts. Also buckwheat (it’s a seed), brown rice and quinoa. Not even a sign of lack of protein. EVER.
      I avoid almost any soy, except the fermented one – some tempeh, miso and good soy sauce are fine sometimes.
      I’m gluten-free as well.

      With this diet, some herbs and supplements (b12 and D) i’m managing my hypothyroidism and PCOS veeeery well. (didn’t have periods for years before, now they are pretty regular, acne disappeared and so on)

      You don’t need meat to be healthy (actually, very much in opposite). As well as eggs and cheese 😉

      All the best,


  15. Since you are an advocate for Inositol and Folic Acid, what is your opinion on Pregnitude? I have PCOS, and had not had a period (without Provera) for years until I started Pregnitude. Even in light of cutting out dairy and gluten, and totally changing my diet, I did not have a period on my own until I started taking Pregnitude.

    We are pursuing fertility treatments now, so I am taking other meds that have helped me start (or not start) periods, but I feel certain that the Pregnitude was instrumental in helping to jump-start my cycle.

    I would love to hear your thoughts on it!


    1. Hi Logan,

      Pregnitude is a combination of Inositol and Folic Acid so I think it would be hugely beneficial for women with PCOS. It has been shown to stimulate spontaneous ovulation and improve egg quality.

      I hope you get some amazing baby news soon!


  16. Hi tarryn!
    I feel so relieved i found this site! About a week ago i was diagnose with pcos and i started crying because i am only 17 and want to have kids in the future. Im just really scared of the side symptoms like diabetes,heart disease,cancer. Do you think we can fight and live a long healthy life im really worried and really dont have anyone who understands:( your help will mean so much to me!!!

    1. Hi Steff,

      You can absolutely live a full and healthy life and just becuase you have PCOS, doesn’t mean you are going to get all of the associated illnesses.


  17. Hi Tarryn,

    First off, I want to let you know you are so awesome and this site has been great!

    I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. My cousin, mom and aunt all have it as well, so for me, I am genetically predisposed. However, my recent weight gain has made my symptoms spin out of control!

    I was married two years ago (at age 22) and now (age 24), I am the highest weight I have been in my life. I put on 30-40lbs and I am working to get the weight off (I was much smaller and active from 13-18). I am reading a book by Dr. Walter Futterweit on PCOS and it has been so eye-opening! However, I wonder if you have any insight (through past research) about the correlation of stress and PCOS? See, my hormone levels are actually normal-I am a rare case from what I understand.

    I have irregular periods (6-8 a year) and this started when I was 19. I notice that when I am stressed my periods are late. The stress could come from work, family, travel.. anything really. In addition to the irregular cycles, I have incredibly painful periods that last 6-7 days, acne, weight gain and slightly thinning hair. Again, my hormones are normal! Which is crazy to me, but I wanted to see if you had any insight on my situation or know something I don’t?

    I have changed my diet and started running-so I hope I will see improvements soon. I have also started taking Folic Acid and that seems to have helped my last cycle, to which I had no cramping pain and it only lasted 5 days!

    Thank you for your support!

    1. Hi Rilee,

      Thanks for sharing your story.

      You do sound like an unusual case with your hormones being normal. Have you had your thyroid checked?

      In terms of stress, there is a definite link between stress and the other hormones impacting on our PCOS. It warrants further investigation and I’ll look into doing a blog post on it in the next week or two.

      Have you considered taking Inositol with your Folic Acid? I really believe that it is an invaluable supplement for women with PCOS.

      I’ll let you know when the blog post is up!


      1. Hi Tarryn,

        Can you tell me how can i get Inositol in India?
        Its not available in the medical shops

        and i really want to try it seeing your reviews .

        Also what do you think about metformin? my doc prescribed me , but I am not taking it yet


  18. Hi Tarryn,

    I recently came across your blog the other week because I was just diagnosed with PCOS. It’s been a strange reality so far because I have a few key symptoms (no period; weight gain; acne) but after testing every hormone in the book, they’re all normal! I made lifestyle changes even before the official diagnosis because I was almost positive PCOS was the problem.
    I’ve always been a tremendously active and healthy girl, but my first year in college got in the way and it was just these past few months with weight gain that I began feeling so uncomfortable. However, just this summer the changes that have worked wonders for me so far are as follows:

    -hot power yoga almost every day
    -no dairy
    -trying to cut carbs (I have good days and bad days :/ )
    -so far one massage and one round of acupuncture

    Overall, eating less seems key. The less I eat, the more weight I lose and the better I feel in every way. Of course, easier said than done, right?
    The biggest slam in the face with this PCOS is the weight gain around the upper thighs and stomach area. I feel bloated too often.

    Thanks for being such a great resource for all us PCOS divas out there 🙂

        1. My cousin has PCOS and she said gluten(breads, pastas, oats/grains) was what made her feel fat and bloated

        2. A lot of women have told me that they feel much less bloated after cutting out dairy and gluten. Also, make sure that you are eating well to manage your insulin levels. High insulin or insulin resistance leads to the increased weight around the belly

      1. Hi Tarryn – I’m new to this site and have found it very helpful thus far. Yesterday I read your information about inositol and went to my supplement store this morning.:) The nutritionalist there brought to my attention a supplement called berberine… she has a customer with PCOS who swears by it. I came home and did some research, before buying it, and it sounds great. Many studies have been done and they say it’s comparable if not interchangeable with Metformin. I was wondering if you’ve heard of it before and if not it may be worth sharing. I’m starting to take both inositol and berberine together, I read that this is safe, and will write in an update as soon as I see, or don’t see, results. Thanks for all of your research.. Jaki

        1. Hi Jaki,

          I’ve not heard of Berberine but it does sound promising.

          I may well do some research on it and do a blog post.

          Let us know how you get on with it!


        2. Hi Jaki,

          I’m planning to use Berberine for the same purposes. Did you feel a difference with your cysts? Are they shrinking? Do you use it daily or give breaks since there seems to be some potential side effects from prolonged use? I’ve been using inositol since July 2014 and it helped me tremendously with regulating my cycles. But, I still have the cysts and they
          give me a lot of discomfort.

          I wonder if Berberine would help with the cysts.

          Thanks so much for sharing your experience!

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